My little toothless child..
When he as younger he called Power Rangers "P Rangers"
Commercials were called "Curshameals"
and my favorite - Ice cream was "Ass Cream" We never knew if we should get him a cone or some Desitin.
As he has gotten a little older and can form thoughts into sentences, some of the things that he has come up with are hilarious. One thing about Carter, he says most things with a matter-of-fact tone to his voice.
So, back to the other day. I was watching HGTV and some home improvement show on it. Carter was watching it with me. There was a commercial (or a curshameal) for Best Buy. When it was over, Carter said, "Why did they have a Best Buy commercial? They don't sell things for the home. They sell technology."
My favorite thing he has said was what he said to my sister-in-law when she was taking him to school one morning. She asked him how he liked school and he replied with, "I don't know why they (adults) send kids to a place where they're (kids) just gonna be bored all day." I think my sister-in-law laughed for a week in the way he said that. She said he was so matter-of-fact.
I have to say, he always keeps us on our toes with what he might say. Thanks for making us laugh, Carter.
I love Carter's comments and you know exactly where he gets his matter-of-factness from.... yep his dear old dad. Although I think he must get the ASS-cream from you!! HA HA
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