Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taking to the slopes (In CANADA)

Ryan finally got to go on his dream trip. As long as we have been married (12 years, yikes am I really that old), Ryan has wanted to go to Canada to go skiing. Well, he just got back from his trip yesterday, and it was worth the wait! He had the time of his life and actually thinks he could give up skiing because it could never be as good as it was in Canada. All I have to say is, "You get your lazy butt up on that slope and ski off those new clothes you bought! I am pretty sure you haven't gotten your use out of those skies and boots either! Oh, and if you are going, you better take our kids so I can have some girl time."
But I am really happy that he finally got to go.
I am glad you got to live out your dream, Ryan.
One of the many signs he and Phil chose to ignore.
Ryan considering going out of bounds, AGAIN.

Phil Moore right there with Ryan, heading out of bounds. (BTW - Phil has a VW bus that he has had restored and if any of your children are "Cars" fans like mine, then you may have noticed that Phil shares the name with the VW bus named Filmore.)

Just a "little" skiing took place on these mountains.

Ryan in front of a very frozen Lake Louise.
I will post a video of a little skiing he did on the trip once I get it edited. I am sure you all are on pins and needles. :)


jeannie said...

HA HA HA HA HA Ryan you are funny!! You don't even have to be talking and you make me laugh!! Looks like you had a fun trip! I'm glad you didn't get avalanched!

Smartee said...

Sounds like Ryan had a great trip! I finally started a blog. It has nothing on it right now (one blog, one picture), but I'm working on it. Our site is

See you tonight!!

Miranda said...

Looks like fun! (I guess, I have never been sking)

Pearsons said...

I didnt know that he went there that is crazy! but by the pictures it looks like he had a great time. You wanted to know where I got Kambree's bows and my sister and her friend make them. We still all need to do something together.

Lott said...

Erika...I miss you, come back!

How did book club go? Where in Canada was he?

Love the photos!

JaMie HeApS said...

we are such party poopers we still havent hit the slopes this year with all the snow we've gotten. glad you got it in and that it was a good one.