Friday, April 4, 2008

These boots are made for walking...

I took the kids to Caldwell to see my mom at her work since Carter didn't have school. While we were there, Cora took three steps. This could be the end of my bliss! She is going to be dangerous soon. Lucky for me, we made sure that this house doesn't have the lever door knobs. No playing in the toilet for her!


jeannie said...

oh come on I love the levers!! HA
You are such a beautiful little girlie!! I hope sometime you get some good toilet time!

Smartee said...

Yeah Cora! Sorry Erika. Looks like I'll be seeing you out in the hall at church running after Cora now!

Lott said...

So sad and exciting all at the same time. She is just adorable...walking or not!

JaMie HeApS said...

three steps you go girl. she's getting so big.

Miranda said...

You might want to put out-let plugs in behind her there! What a fun time!