Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ode to K8!

Guess who's birthday it is today?
We must Celebrate
cuz she is really great
she is never late
she can never hate
it was fate
when Chad asked her to date
he didn't want a rebate
just a re-date
with love giving she can satiate
and radiate
she is top rate
she is funny when she retaliate(s)
her humor undulate(s)
Her friendship I valuate
as pure and great
so, I am here to celebrate
my wonderful friend, Kate
Happy Birthday, Kate!
Does anyone else have the song Mediate (INXS) in their head now?
"We all rotate"


jeannie said...

I was totally thinking of that song!
Happy bday Kate....I have heard lots about you!

JaMie HeApS said...

happy bday. me likee the song

Juliann said...

You've got some serious rhyming skills! I liked the poem and I'm glad you still think Ryan is attractive. He's my uncle, so I can't say I've ever seen that in him; all I can think of is him tickling me until I wet my pants, or him putting snot in my ears everytime he saw me. That's not very attractive.

Miranda said...

What a special friend to get a song written just for her! Good job Erika and Happy Birthday Kate!

jeannie said...

I'm glad I now know this KATE I have been hearing about for years!! Kate it was super fun to meet you - you are a sweetie!