Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day! Snow Day! No School on a Snow Day!

We had a snow day yesterday!
I was too busy yesterday to post this, but here are the kids doing a happy dance for no school. I am not sure what is up with my camera. I have been having problems with it since before Christmas. Most of my pictures are turning out blury. I have changed a bunch of settings and don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Well, here are the kiddos doing a happy dance...Doesn't Carter look like he is Austin Powers in this picture? Ya, Baby!
Look at that cute Spencer!


Lott said...

Now that they've had one snow boys think everyday is a snow day. They are about to drive me crazy! Keep the snow day hope alive!

ps. totally an Austin Powers move

E-llo said...

Fingers crossed for another!

jeannie said...

snow day snow day my kids wish for a snow day. Soon they will get snow but I don't think in Utah they give snow days. Cute groov'n kiddos!

JaMie HeApS said...

ya baby!!!!!
what a fun day. im just ready for the snow to leave!!

Sarah said...


the blog is so cute and you have so many fun things on it.

It is so great that all the cousin's are starting to have somewhere where we can all keep in touch.

Here are the blogs of the cousin's that I have.

Give our love to Ryan and the kids and we hope you can come and visit soon.

All our love

Sarah, Grandma Lloyd & Puggie (me and grandma's) (Melissa) (Amy) (Rachel and Jim) (Aaron) (Chris)