Ok - so here is the thing! I haven't posted for so long for the stupidest reasons. First of all, my life went from completely busy to completely boring. I actually got excited to take Cora to the doctor to get a flu shot booster just to get out of the house. I would have done something constructive to my house but we were all a bit sick, so the house went to hell in a hand basket. So not only did I not do anything the first week, but my house was a mess to boot.
Then last week came! I was feeling better, thank goodness, because I was busy. My sister-in-law, Liz, came down with the flu. Not just sick, but the real flu! Ya know the one where even if you had a flu shot, it wouldn't matter. SO, I spent a couple days of that week trying to do stuff for her and her family as well as get my children's Valentine crap together. I only say crap, because I was so busy. I usually like Valentine's Day. Then Valentine's Day came with all of it's parties and what not. (oh, I apperantly forgot that I have a camera because I didn't take any pictures the last couple of weeks) Then, since we didn't have school on Friday, my friend Kate came over with her kids to hang. Saturday, my mom took my kids over night and Ryan and I stayed the night in Sun Valley (forgot the camera again). We had a nice Valentine's weekend. We have since been enjoying hanging out as a family. Ryan had to leave for a couple of days to New Orleans, boo hoo - but that's nothing compared to what Jean is going thru. So there is the catch up. I missed you guys.