Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Story

Please read the following story and the procede with this post...
This turkey is my sister-in-law's turkey. She raises turkeys each year and then slaughters them just before Thanksgiving. This big guy got out a week ago and ended up less than a mile down the road. The funny thing about the article is it states that there aren't any farms in the area, but they have a big sign in front of their house that states "Fresh Turkeys for Sale". I guess he decided that since he didn't receive a pardon, he was going to make a prison break.
This turkey may have "ruined" Thanksgiving but will make for a Merry Christmas!
We did have one of her other not-so-lucky turkeys for our Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We decided that a girls night was in order, since I am pretty sure Kate and I have never had a girls night out together. We decided to have some yummy dinner at the Olive Garden and then go to the movie. The day got a little stressful when my mom called and said she was way to sick to go. I tried to find someone else to go without any luck! How could I not find one person who wanted a girls night out to see Twilight? Then Kris was having some problems as well and didn't think she would be able to make the night out after getting the day off. Luckily for us, she was able to make the movie as well as Wendy. Here are Kate, Ivie and myself at the Olive Garden.
Here we are waiting in the ridiculous line!The line was so long because they kept adding showings of the movie. When I ordered tickets on line, there was only one showing for the movie. When we got there , they had added two more (totalling 3). By the time they let us into the theater (5 minutes before the movie was to start) they had added another. It took them 30 minutes to get the film ready to show on 4 screens. Finally, we got to see it! You should have seen the lobby when the movie was over! It was pure mania! I have never seen anything like it!
When I left, I had mixed emotions. I kinda liked it and kinda didn't. Movies are never as good as the book because they usually omit things or condense things, i.e. two dances into one prom. I know that they added some scenes to bring in the male population, but did so at the expense of the story. Oh, well. But now that I am a few days out, I am seeming to remember a lot that I liked about the movie (i.e kissing scene) and a desire to see it again! I must have liked it more than I originally thought! I am going to see it again tomorrow with my mom. I will have to let you know the final verdict. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lucky 13

Today is our Anniversary. Yep it's been 13 years! How is that possible? One day it feels like we just met and the other it feels like we have been together forever (that's not always a bad thing). :) Last Friday, we went on a date for our anniversary. We did a little shopping, ate at the Cheesecake Factory (for me) and then went to a movie (for him). We hardly get out with just each other, so it was nice.
So some of you may be wondering some lessons that I might have learned in 13 years of marriage. Well, I don't know if I learned anything big but I did learn a little lesson each year.
Here they are...
Year 1. It is really nice to married to a man who makes the bed every day.
Year 2. Always listen to your hubby when he tells you to go to the doctor. If I hadn't, I might be skinny, but I would be without 3 beautiful children and have a goiter the size of a baseball.
Year 3. Saving up for a house is worth it.
Year 4. Having a husband who makes the bed at all is only something that happens the first year of marriage.
Year 5. A child can bring even more love into a home.
Year 6. Follow your husbands promptings to sell your house. It is for the best sometimes.
Year 7. Rediscover each other.
Year 8. The seven year itch is real, but it can be overcome.
Year 9. Cooperation really works with 2 kids.
Year 10. We really do listen to one another.
Year 11. Building a house isn't that hard when you refer to 10.
Year 12. Having a baby and knee surgery in the same year could only work with the help of a good man.
Year 13. They really were not kidding when they said that communication is key.
What I can say is that I am glad to have this amazing man in my life. We have had a lot of great times and some not so great times but I would not change a thing! All of our times together have been worth it as long as he has been by my side!
I love you, Ryan! We have been counseled to find joy in our lives. You are mine. Happy Anniversary!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Four year olds!

It has become evident that I have a four year old running around this house. There are shreds of paper everywhere I look. He is constantly cutting and drawing and spelling every one's name in the house. If I have to spell "Carter" one more time, I'm gonna lose it.
His teacher told me a funny story about Spencer the other day. She saw that he was coloring a banana on the board and she asked him about it...
Miss Amanda: "Spencer, what are you doing?"
Spencer: "I'm trickin' it out!"
What else can I say?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am not always good with the sensitive emotions. I would much rather make a joke. I almost titled this blog "Slam Dunk" but I changed my mind. Is it really necessary for me to always take the easy way out and make a joke. No, this is a time for me to attempt some maturity, I do have an 8-year-old for crying out loud. So here it is...
I have to say that I am so impressed with Carter. Just before he turned eight, our primary had a meeting with all of the children who would be getting baptised this fall and their parents to go over everything that would be taking place. I was impressed on how much he paid attention. A couple of days later he asked, "The primary president said that it was my choice to get baptised. Is that true?" I told him, "Of course it is your choice. You do what you want to do. What do you want to do?" He replied, "I want to get baptised."
Over the next month, I was also impressed with the knowledge he has. His primary teachers are amazing, because, let's face it, I haven't been living up to my potential. They are amazing men! His one teacher sends all of the kids post-cards from his travels. They truly love these kids.
Now, I want to tell you about the actual night. There were FIVE kids just from my ward getting baptised. It was crazy! The whole chapel was filled with people coming to witness the children getting baptised. It was fortunate that there were people out of town, because there wouldn't have been any room for them to sit. Carter was in the second group of kids to be baptised so we had a few moments to talk and take pictures. During that time I really took notice of Carter. He is a nice kid. A really Nice kid. He doesn't care who the person is, he will be nice to them. My heart swelled as I watched him talk to other kids. He was so nervous and excited, yet he managed to pay attention and be nice to all of the kids that were there to get baptised or witness his baptism. The other thing that struck me that night was the actual baptism. Carter had a huge smile on his face as Ryan lowered him into the water. What else can I say? Pure joy and happiness as you become a member of the Lord's church. I was truly touched. It was a wonderful evening. Thank you to everyone, those who was able to attend and to those who weren't there in body, but were there in spirit. We Love You.

All Hallows Eve...

When I asked the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween, Carter initially said that he and Natalie wanted to be bucket heads. Huh?! Spencer said that he wanted to be Iron Man (a movie, of which, scares him and he refuses to watch). Double Huh?! So after discussion on how this bucket head thing was going to work, Carter changed his mind. :) He then decided that he wanted to be a ninja. When Spencer heard this, he "decided" that he wanted to be a ninja as well. Now, I am sure that many of you know how 4-year-olds with older siblings are, they want to do everything their older sibling does. I am sure this will not end at 4 either. Lucky Carter! Well, since they both decided to be ninjas I decided they all were going to be ninjas. I figured this will be the last year that I could make Cora be whatever I wanted her to be. We extended the offer to Natalie to be a ninja but she said no. She instead decided to be a munchkin (we are the lollipop kids...). I don't think there could have been a costume that would have stuck out any more than hers in comparison to my children, not to mention she is quite taller than my children despite that she is only 6 weeks older than Carter. Check it out...Now, I just thought this picture was funny. I mean, their getting free candy! Why the tears? We have the movie 3 Ninjas. I never heard of it either. I believe we got it out of the cheap bin at Walmart. We were watching it in the car. If you really question acting in a movie, try listening to the dialogue over and over and over in the car. Blah! Well, one day Carter says, "Mom, this movie is PG-13." I replied, "No it isn't. It's a kids movie. They wouldn't make it PG-13." He responded with, "Yes it is. Look at it." I took the movie from him, and sure enough it was PG-13 (nice parenting). What caught me off guard was the reason for it being PG-13. Check it out...

I don't know why, I have just always thought the reason was funny. If you can't read it, it says, "Non-stop Ninja Action".
And that's all I've got to say about that.