Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day! Snow Day! No School on a Snow Day!

We had a snow day yesterday!
I was too busy yesterday to post this, but here are the kids doing a happy dance for no school. I am not sure what is up with my camera. I have been having problems with it since before Christmas. Most of my pictures are turning out blury. I have changed a bunch of settings and don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Well, here are the kiddos doing a happy dance...Doesn't Carter look like he is Austin Powers in this picture? Ya, Baby!
Look at that cute Spencer!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


My little toothless child..
Well, we are all feeling better. Ryan and I had that nasty stomach flu that has been going around. That was the weirdest flu ever. While I was sick, I was hanging with Carter and he said something funny. I then got to thinking of all of the funny things that Carter has said in his seven short years. Here are a few...
When he as younger he called Power Rangers "P Rangers"
Commercials were called "Curshameals"
and my favorite - Ice cream was "Ass Cream" We never knew if we should get him a cone or some Desitin.
As he has gotten a little older and can form thoughts into sentences, some of the things that he has come up with are hilarious. One thing about Carter, he says most things with a matter-of-fact tone to his voice.
So, back to the other day. I was watching HGTV and some home improvement show on it. Carter was watching it with me. There was a commercial (or a curshameal) for Best Buy. When it was over, Carter said, "Why did they have a Best Buy commercial? They don't sell things for the home. They sell technology."
My favorite thing he has said was what he said to my sister-in-law when she was taking him to school one morning. She asked him how he liked school and he replied with, "I don't know why they (adults) send kids to a place where they're (kids) just gonna be bored all day." I think my sister-in-law laughed for a week in the way he said that. She said he was so matter-of-fact.
I have to say, he always keeps us on our toes with what he might say. Thanks for making us laugh, Carter.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It FINALLY went missing...

Carter Finally lost his front tooth!
That tooth has driven every person completely nuts for the past month! It has been soooo wiggly and yet he would not let anyone touch it, let alone pull it out! Well, it finally came out on it's own last night. And, thanks to Jeanie's post about the Tooth Fairy, I think she has been back on her game. She came last night! We were a little worried because the money had slipped between the mattress and the headboard, but we found it!
One last thing, when Ryan saw Carter after his tooth fell out he said, "Now that is one messed up grill." (He was joking of course ~ I just thought it was funny. )

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Day So Far...

Look at these two sweet and innocent faces...
(not a current picture - I didn't have the time)
These two innocent faces have given me a run for my money today.
It was my Friday to babysit my niece. You see, my sister-in-law, Elizabeth, and I have an arrangement to switch off babysitting on Fridays so the other can volunteer at school. Today was my day to babysit. The day started off fine with me taking Carter to school. The other three were great, Julia didn't even take off her socks and shoes which is what she usually does the minute she gets into the car. This beginning of the day was leading me into a false sense of security that today was going to be an easy day. Those thoughts were my first mistake! I come inside with the kids like I do most days and fed Cora her breakfast. I then took her upstairs to lay her down. I decided that since I was up there, I would go into the playroom and reassemble Spencer's Geo-Trax train set. That was my second mistake of the day! While doing this, we discover that one of the trains needs new batteries. I take the train downstairs to replace the batteries (which goes against my personal motto of "When the batteries are dead, so is the toy"). My third mistake of the day! While replacing the batteries, I hear Julia yelling something to me. After a second of brain processing, I realize she is yelling something about the potty. I yell up to her to come down stairs when I catch a glimpse of her walking like a penguin. I am too late! She has COMPLETELY wet her pants. Even her socks are wet. I then take her into the bathroom and sit her on the potty while peeling her wet clothes off of her. I then throw the pee infested clothes down the laundry shoot and return to dress her in a change of underwear and pants (which Liz had brought by total accident - thank goodness). I return downstairs to throw her clothes and some of mine into the washing machine. That was the only thing I did right today. I then finish replacing batteries. The time was then just before 10:00 am. I then decide I would make myself breakfast, since I hadn't eaten yet. While eating breakfast, the two children were hoovering around me like a couple of vultures. In order to eat in peace, I tell Spencer to go to the closet under the stairs to get some toys. Spencer quickly came out with some finger paint from the easel saying he wanted to paint. I said no that I was eating and we weren't going to paint today. Spencer then wanted me to do something for him ( I don't remember what) when I realise that Julia had not come out of the closet. I rise up to go to the closet just as Julia comes running out with paint all over her hands yelling, "You see my pictures?" She has painted all over the easel (which has no paper on it), but luckily for me there wasn't paint all over. I take her into the bathroom to wash her hands noticing that there is some paint on her shirt and pants, but at least it was washable. My relief of the morning comes when my friend, Kate, called me. Talking to her was the forth mistake of the day. While on the phone, I went into the laundry room to change the clothes. When I was done the kids came out of my room to talk to me. When they got close, it got a big whiff of bathroom cleaner. I panicked and asked them what the were doing. They took me into my bedroom to show me that they were cleaning one of Spencer's Lightening McQueens with bathroom cleaner and toilet paper. There were clumps of wet toilet paper all over. I had to make sure that they didn't ingest any of it, so I did a quick breath smell while calmly asking if they put it into their mouths. Luckily they hadn't. I then throw all of the stuff away. While bringing the car into the kitchen to "clean" I notice that the floor is disgusting. I decide to sweep it. My fifth mistake of the day. While I am sweeping the floor, I realise that I haven't heard those two monkeys in a couple of minutes, which is too long today. I go towards my bathroom to reach a locked door. I pound on the door to have Spence open the door. I notice that his pants are a little wet around the knees. I asked him what he was doing and he said cleaning when I hear Julia screaming, "Help me out!" I run to the bathroom to catch her from falling off the bathtub. I notice that my bubble bath is open and poured out. When I pick up Julia, she is covered from head to toe in bubble bath. I then strip her clothes off, her other pants are still in the dryer and not dry yet. I take her upstairs to put some of Spencer's clothes on her that are too small. While changing her clothes and giving the children the lecture that they are now not allowed down stairs, they grabbed two of Carter's Pokemon cards. Spencer had dumped them all over his floor and bed. I then grabbed the cards out of both of their hands and proceeded to pick up all of the cards. While I am cleaning up that mess, I thought that I saw Julia walk by like she was heading down stairs. I yell at Spence to go and find her. He goes down and I hear him yelling for her. I put up the cards and joined into the search. We were running and yelling all over the bottom floor. I then head to the garage and start yelling there. Luckily she finally heard me and yelled back. She was upstairs the whole time! I manage to get Spencer back upstairs with Julia. I took in a deep breath and sank into the couch. Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Liz. My three hours were up! They left and I have given the kids food, that is how I have actually found the time to write ALL of this down. My two better take naps today, because this mommy really could use one herself. ZZZ...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A New Breakthrough

We had a breakthrough today! Just when I was thinking, "What am I going to post on my blog?" I was just beginning to wonder what it is I do all day. Don't get me wrong, I am usually busy all day taking care of kids, cleaning and what not, but nothing interesting enough to post. Then my little girl saved me! We were shopping around (waiting for Spencer to get out of pre-school) when I looked at her and thought I got a glimpse of white. I put my finger in her mouth (it was clean), and, sure enough, she got her first tooth. Poor thing, she goes two weeks with a cold to get another cold two days later, which lasts two weeks to have it followed by her first tooth. Good thing she won't remember it.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Review Part 2

Christmas continued with the Lloyd Christmas party at our house. We had a good time with lots of food and even more desert! We ate sooooooo much! It was fun just to hang out and talk. Karen brought reindeer headbands for all of the kids. They looked adorable!

Then Christmas Eve came! Carter started the day sick with a sore throat and ended it with a temperature of 103 degrees. Ryan took Spencer and Cora to his sister's house for a little program and returned home with Cora having hives all over her body. Carter was sick for another week. I took Cora to the doctor the day after Christmas for her hives which was an "allergic reaction" (duh) and she had an ear infection. Spencer came down with the same cold that Carter had the following Saturday and I got it Sunday. What a couple of weeks! We had a great Christmas in spite of it all. Grandma Sandie and Grandpa Doug got the gang a Wii! The kids each a got a game (the much wished for) Pokemon game for Carter and Lightening McQueen (of course) for Spencer! We are in heaven over here.

Christmas Review Part 1

Well, it has been nearly two weeks since Christmas, so I thought it was time to give an update! We were pretty busy and had company, then the kids got sick followed by me getting sick. Well, I am finally feeling better so here we are. These pictures are from the kids school holiday parties and the big visit we had from Santa. We have the connections, so we don't even have to go to the mall! That's right! No mall for us, he makes house calls. He came over and let Carter, Spencer, Cora (I didn't get a good picture), and some cousins sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. He finished the visit by reading a couple of books. It is his busy time of year so we loved that he took time to come and see us. Thanks, Santa.