Thursday, December 20, 2007

I got elfed

My family got elfed! Check out the link below to see what happened!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cadbury's Lovely Gift

Every year I wait and wait and wait for Valentine's day to come and go! I mean really, who needs hearts and flowers and goo goo ga ga? The way to a woman's heart is CANDY! Not just any candy, the sweet, creamy, yummy goodness, a little piece of heaven, melt in you mouth richness of the blessed Cadbury Chocolate Creme Egg! Every year I wait impatiently for Spring to come so I can run to the nearest store and purchase my favorite chocolate in the world! Every year after Easter, I run to the store to snatch up any eggs that may be around in order to prolong my sugar induced happiness. Every year after I have eaten my last egg, I curse the Cadbury company for causing my withdrawal convulsions. I am usually heard saying, "What is so hard about making them all year long? Can't they make them for other holidays too?"
Well, this year my wish came true! The Cadbury company heard my (and I hope other people's) requests for the blessed creme egg. This year they Made the Ornament creme egg. I am sorry to say that I only have found them at Walgreen's. I am also sorry to say that I have not been able to purchase a 4 pack of eggs. But, beggars will not be choosers, I will rejoice in the precious egg and buy them individually and be happy! So here is to you Cadbury Company! You really do know how to make a delicious candy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Picture Day

Well, we finally had our pictures taken for our Christmas cards on Sunday. Here are a couple that I thought everyone could look at to see Spencer's true nature. He is definitely the goof of the family. Plus, he is the only one of our children who isn't tongue-tied so I guess he likes to show it off.
The following are some pictures I liked of each of the children. This was taken of Spencer right at our front door. He didn't want his picture taken, but I liked it!
This tree is in the park that is part of our subdivision. Look at those beautiful blue eyes.
I am pretty sure that this little girl has captured her daddy's heart. What do you think?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cora Crawling - The Video

Cora Crawling

Cora took her first crawling "steps" the other day. It is such a hard thing when they start crawling. On one hand, you want them to develop normally and as they should. On the other hand, you want them to stay PUT for as long as they can. I suppose it is inevitable! So BRING ON the messes!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Decorating the Tree

We finally put up the decorations the night before last! I would do it before Thanksgiving, but Ryan doesn't want it done until December starts, so December it is. So here is the tree...
Cora had fun with some of the ornaments as well.
The finished product! Anyone notice the large grouping of ornaments to the left at child level?