Sunday, January 13, 2008

It FINALLY went missing...

Carter Finally lost his front tooth!
That tooth has driven every person completely nuts for the past month! It has been soooo wiggly and yet he would not let anyone touch it, let alone pull it out! Well, it finally came out on it's own last night. And, thanks to Jeanie's post about the Tooth Fairy, I think she has been back on her game. She came last night! We were a little worried because the money had slipped between the mattress and the headboard, but we found it!
One last thing, when Ryan saw Carter after his tooth fell out he said, "Now that is one messed up grill." (He was joking of course ~ I just thought it was funny. )


jeannie said...

Carter your GRILL is so studly and I love your shaggy hair. Your getting so grown-up!! I'm glad the tooth fairy pulled through for you! You never know with that one.
I miss Ryan's little phrases that he makes up! "locker-down shuter-up, double tripple check!!"

JaMie HeApS said...

im just glad she came she seemed to have qa hard time making it to the olsens a while back.
you know what this means carter you cant kiss any girls untill all your teeth are back in.

Lott said...

Did Carter ask any questions about who the tooth fairy is? Tell him's so fun when they loose teeth. My fav is when they have a bunch gone and there is one, hill-billy straggler left hanging on for dear life!