Friday, November 14, 2008

Four year olds!

It has become evident that I have a four year old running around this house. There are shreds of paper everywhere I look. He is constantly cutting and drawing and spelling every one's name in the house. If I have to spell "Carter" one more time, I'm gonna lose it.
His teacher told me a funny story about Spencer the other day. She saw that he was coloring a banana on the board and she asked him about it...
Miss Amanda: "Spencer, what are you doing?"
Spencer: "I'm trickin' it out!"
What else can I say?


Lott said...

Your little family is growing up...MTV style!

JaMie HeApS said...

love it!! we have the same thing going on around my house serously lets learn how to spell the names after the first 500 times.

Crysty said...

LOL! I have to do that with Rachael, too....she can spell her own name, but I have to spell everyone else's 100 times, and I have to spell LOL

Crysty said...

Hey, have you heard anymore from your Italian Boy? ;o)

Shauna said...

What a great blog you have here! Thanks for sharing :)

Juliann said...

That is the most adorable picture of Spencer. He's such a stud.

jeannie said...

I love the CHEESY grin! He is a little sweetheart but I love to hear he has a little gangsta side too!