Happy Valentine's Day!
I am a little sad because I can't spend the day with my Valentine. He had to work in Sun Valley this weekend. I was going to drive up there with the kids today and meet him, but the roads are "difficult" (that is the word the web sight uses for the worst driving conditions). I just didn't think it would be worth the drive for one night, so I stayed home. As a result, I thought it would be fun to make the kids a fun Valentine's breakfast.
Here is their heart shaped breakfast. If you close your left eye, turn around three times, chant "Valentine's Day" twice and squint your right eye, you will be able to see that the eggs were supposed to be shaped like a heart as well.
It was a Webkinz kind of day. They each got one from my mom and one from us. I don't know all of their names, but I am pretty sure that they are something original like Hearts or Hedgy. I do know that the bear and dinosaur have a little originality to their names. The bear is Forest and the dinosaur is Cocoa.
Cooper has 3 out of those 6 webkinz...embarrassing. Great job on the breakfast! Happy V-day
i can tottaly see it in the eggs. so sad you couldnt be with ry but you know what they say time away makes the heart grow fonder. you'll just really have to make up for it when he gets home.
Thanks for the directions on how to look at the eggs! We did pink heart shaped pancakes for the girls. Sorry you didn't get to spend the day with Ryan, but it looks like you had a good day with the boys. We also have valentines for your kids.
Happy V-day to you! That's sad you didn't get to be with your sweetie but I'm glad you didn't chance it with bad roads!! Maybe you can make it up on another special night!
Hugs and Kisses!
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