Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's a Boy!

We got a dog today! I found this cute little guy on Pet-Finder. Pet-Finder shows you pictures of dogs, cats and other pets that are up for adoption all over the country. He happened to be in Pocatello (a little bit of a jaunt) but, lucky for us, Ryan works there once a week. We called the shelter and they held this cute little guy for us until Ryan could make it over there. They think that he is a Maltese/Poodle mix and a couple years old. He is awesome! He's already house trained and sweet natured. He doesn't bark, chew or jump up on people. He seriously could be my dream dog. We decided to name him Pokey, since we got him in Pocatello.
Welcome to the family, Pokey!


Lott said...

You're such a little tricker.

jeannie said...

Ahh POKEY!! He is cute! Sounds like a winner to me! Next time please find me a dog too! So are the kids still bouncing off the walls?

Unknown said...

He is so cute and what a fun name for him.

Juliann said...

That is the cuttest dog. I want to squeeze it and pinch it's little cheeks.

JaMie HeApS said...

POKEY YOU LUCKY LITTLE DOG. i bet the kids are in heaven.