Please read the following story and the procede with this post...
This turkey is my sister-in-law's turkey. She raises turkeys each year and then slaughters them just before Thanksgiving. This big guy got out a week ago and ended up less than a mile down the road. The funny thing about the article is it states that there aren't any farms in the area, but they have a big sign in front of their house that states "Fresh Turkeys for Sale". I guess he decided that since he didn't receive a pardon, he was going to make a prison break.
This turkey may have "ruined" Thanksgiving but will make for a Merry Christmas!
We did have one of her other not-so-lucky turkeys for our Thanksgiving.
That is one lucky duck. We had a gobble gobble, but I don't eat them. We had an oink oink as well.
Luckily pies don't grow legs or I would have been very sad.
Oh my heck--why didn't my mother call me and tell me about this? I am laughing so hard right now. To bad it's midnight and my parents go to bed at 9:00pm or I would call them. I'm never going to get to sleep. This is hilarious~!
no way crazy... hope the one you ate was tastey!!!!
OK seriously I know I commented on this!! What the??
erica missing you whats the
deal-izo????? im thinkin about you.
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