Monday, September 10, 2007

Where have I been???

I know!!! It has been so long since I have posted that no one will probably read this!
Let me explain...
We first went on a trip to Florida - thanks to Ryan's job. Then when I got home, I had knee surgery, which I am still walking around with a brace. Then, in my free time and when feeling up to it, I have been getting the kids ready for and back to school. I also have been doing physical therapy 3 times a week. I am suppose to ice my knee every couple of hours, I have only been doing it 2-3 times a day - that shows the lack of time. Once you get out of the habit, it becomes easier to not do it.
So... please forgive me and I will get you caught up on the last month and a half.


jeannie said...

Good work, you have to start somewhere. I'm sure with all your trip'n and slip'n you will have lots of goods to share.

JaMie HeApS said...

that darn knee im glad the surgery is over and your on the up and up.